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Im interested in arguing with religious people and there religion. In my opinion I believe religion is radical and is a cult like why to you always have to go to church? to show you praise someone above? or is it so he doesnt get mad and kills everyone? I just dont understand religion. Also its unfair because you are not allowed to do certain things and if you do them it can lead to punishment. Take Islam as an example, you are not allowed to eat pork, drink beer, and more. If you do those things you are shamed upon by other Muslims. Christianity has a very dark background going back Catholism which was horrrible because of what they did to so many people. Religion is the root of evil but dont get me wrong i do believe in a god but I dont like to associate with relegion because its too much of a cult. But I noticed most religions tend to have a prophet maybe they're talking about the same person or maybe he was made up entirely. But arguing about religion is fun because you get o hear firs hand what they think.

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