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              Hi my name is Justin Romo, I am a 16 year old student who goes to Ivy Highschool. I love nature and animals, I like talking because its the greatest thing ever. Im very close to my mom because shes my role model and has been through so much from being a single teen mother to battling cancer shes been through it all, and I love her alot because she always wanted the best for me. I grew up in a city called Boyle Heights which is in east Los Angeles. When I was 12 we moved to Fallbrook because it began to get very bad where I lived. While here in Falllbrook it was hard for me to make friends because i was shy and talked little. Now im completely different im bold and willing to talk to anyone, well if im not feeling shy that day. Talking infront of people is very easy for me and I like to do it because I talk alot. When I entered 9th grade thats when problems with my grades started to appear, I failed one class in 9th grade both semesters. In 10th it was even worse because I had bad habits when it came to school, I didnt do my work and I pretty much stopped caring but now its different because know I realize how important it is to graduate. So i go to ivy highschool to recover the lost credits and hopefully graduate.

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